The origin of some pathologies are aggressions or injuries to the structures of the central nervous system, thus creating what is known as interferences. Acute pain and neuralgia can be treated by restoring the natural body regulation mechanisms with a progressive treatment. This kind of treatment can solve problems that are even manifesting symptoms in places different than the mouth, but are being caused by interferences in the neural network of the mouth nervous system.
How the treatments are?
Neural therapy and elimination of dental interferences
Focos y campos interferentes en el tejido conectivo deben ser reparados por medio de un procedimiento de repolarización, que consiste en restablecer el potencial eléctrico normal a nivel celular. Este tratamiento debe ajustarse a las necesidades de cada paciente y a las condiciones específicas de la patología a tratar, por lo que se realiza un estudio previo para su aplicación. Es de naturaleza ambulatoria y se lleva a cabo en el consultorio.